Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hungry, Hungry, Hungry Hippos – Lake Navaisha – Wednesday, Aug 22

On Wednesday we loaded into a van and trekked out to the Great Rift Valley.  This valley stretches from the Dead Sea to Mozambique.  It’s quite an impressive sight.  The drive was a little scary as the roads were all 2 lane roads and everyone is passing each other right and left.  I just tried to look the other way in order to avoid having a heart attack. 

We spent most of the day at Lake Navaisha.  Here we had our first encounter with HIPPOS or as Milca would say “hi pose”.   We rented a little motor boat and cruised around the lake.  The hippos seemed to be in only one area of the lake.  They are cool to see but there isn’t much action.  They just hang out in the water and occasionally yawn.  We stopped at an animal reserve and had a little walking safari.  It was pretty hot out by the time we stopped, so we only saw wildebeests, water bucks, zebras, and birds.  This was a nice little warm up to the safari we would be venturing out on the next day.


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